On average a lady shaves once to twice a week and disposable razors last on average 6 uses. 11% of females shave every single day. And a lot of men shave every day!
Say we use one disposable razor per month – over the course of ten years, that’s 120 razors.
One of the best changes I’ve made is to a safety razor. Always try to source one made in the UK so your razor doesn’t have a huge carbon footprint before you get started.
Once you have invested in the razor, the only thing you need to buy are new blades which cost around £2 for 10. I use one blade for about 8 shaves. Each blade is double sided and when finished with can be popped into a sealed tin can and popped in your kerbside recycling. A completely plastic free, forever switch to zero waste shaving. Well apart from not shaving of course!
Recommended razors:
Save Some Green available at The Refill Station and made in the UK
Mutiny Shaving have a mix of imported and biodegradable printed razors but are based in Newport.
Mhule made in Europe available at Natural Weigh in Crickhowell